Framed Moss Art | Painting with Moss

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. How about a painting? Or better yet, a moss painting? Framed moss art is our take on painting with moss and making our canvas come to life with plant art. In today’s post, we are sharing some of our favorite framed moss art pieces where we took our creativity and skill to paint with moss.



Green Wallscapes, framed moss art, moss art, custom moss art, painting with moss, framed moss, custom art, preserved moss art

Custom moss art in wood frame with preserved mixed mosses and crystals


green wallscapes, framed moss art, painting with moss, moss art, custom moss art, preserved moss art, custom art, ombre moss, ombre moss art

Custom moss art in black frames with preserved moss in a correlating ombre color palette in zig-zag design


Green Wallscapes, framed moss art, custom moss art, moss art, preserved moss art, painting with moss, moss design

Custom wood frame moss art in bubbly organic design with preserved moss in classic green palette



Green Wallscapes, framed moss art, framed moss, ombre moss, ombre moss art, moss art, custom moss art, moss and succulents, moss and ferns

Custom moss art in black frame in Amazonia Collection with preserved moss and ferns and faux succulents in an ombre color scheme


Green Wallscapes, framed moss art, moss art, preserved moss art, custom moss art, custom design, colorful moss, colorful moss art, blue moss, white moss

Custom geometric moss art in black frames with colorful preserved reindeer moss in blue and white


Green Wallscapes, framed moss art, custom moss art, framed moss, preserved moss art, organic design, mixed moss design, organic flow design

Custom moss art in grey frame and organic flow in classic green preserved mixed mosses


Green Wallscapes, framed moss art, framed moss, moss art, preserved moss art, custom moss art, custom design, moss and ferns, moss and fern art

Custom Botanica Collection art in black frame with preserved moss, ferns, and mushrooms


Green Wallscapes, framed moss art, framed moss, moss art, custom moss art, preserved moss art, custom design, balanced design, balanced moss design, preserved moss

Custom moss art in balanced flow design with preserved mixed mosses in white frame