The Time for Green Walls: Exploring the Wonders of Preserved Living Walls

In the ever-evolving world of sustainable design and eco-friendly innovations, the concept of preserved living walls has emerged as a captivating solution to bring nature indoors. These vertical gardens not only serve as aesthetic marvels but also contribute significantly to environmental conservation. In this blog post, we'll delve into the fascinating realm of preserved living walls, exploring what they are, how they work, and the myriad benefits they offer.

Understanding Preserved Living Walls:

A preserved living wall, often referred to as a green wall, is a vertical arrangement of plants, moss, and foliage that is meticulously preserved to maintain its natural beauty without the need for soil or water. Unlike traditional living walls, which require ongoing maintenance, preserved living walls are designed to thrive with minimal care.

The Preservation Process:

The preservation process involves treating the plants with a special solution that replaces their natural sap with a biodegradable and non-toxic substance (glycerin and food dye). This process not only retains the vibrant colors and textures of the plants but also ensures that they remain pliable and lifelike. The preserved plants do not require sunlight, watering, or soil, making them a sustainable and low-maintenance option for indoor spaces.

Advantages of Preserved Living Walls:

Low Maintenance:

  • One of the primary advantages of preserved living walls is their low maintenance requirements. With no need for watering, sunlight, or soil, these green walls are ideal for spaces where traditional living walls may be impractical or challenging to maintain.


  • Preserved living walls contribute to sustainability by reducing the need for natural resources like water and soil. They also promote biodiversity and air quality improvement, creating a healthier indoor environment. They can be used for bonus credits for LEED certification. 

Versatility in Design:

  • These walls offer incredible design versatility. From lush, tropical landscapes to minimalist, modern arrangements, preserved living walls can be customized to complement any interior aesthetic, bringing a touch of nature to urban spaces.


  • Preserved plants have a longer lifespan compared to their living counterparts. They do not wilt, wither, or require continuous replacement, ensuring the longevity of the green wall and reducing overall costs. They will have to be touched up or replaced after a few years (as opposed to weeks or months!). 

Biophilic Benefits:

  • Introducing nature into indoor spaces has been linked to numerous mental and physical health benefits. Preserved living walls contribute to the biophilic design movement, fostering a connection with nature that can enhance productivity, reduce stress, and improve overall well-being.

Applications of Preserved Living Walls:

Preserved living walls find applications in a variety of settings, including residential spaces, offices, hospitality venues, and retail environments. They are also utilized in healthcare facilities (in common areas and lobbies), where the positive impact of nature on healing and patient well-being is well-documented.

Preserved living walls represent a sustainable and visually stunning solution for bringing the outdoors inside. As our world continues to prioritize eco-conscious practices and biophilic design, these green walls offer a harmonious blend of nature and innovation. Whether you seek a statement piece for your living room or a biophilic design element for a commercial space, preserved living walls stand as testaments to the boundless possibilities of sustainable and aesthetically pleasing interior design.